Connecting surgeons around the world

ARtoMED platform transforms patient’s data into hologram of the damaged organ and positions it on the patient’s body.
The Unique Library of Complex Clinical Cases and Pathologies in the AR/MR Surgeons Training contains Holograms and a Step-by-step process for planning and conducting a surgery. It allows to simulate the operation process as close as possible to reality.
The same approach is the basis for planning surgery and remote surgeons consultations, regardless of the distance.
ARtoMED platform creates a Common Space for surgeons, patients and students within an Operating room, Training class, or thousands of kilometers apart.





ARtoMED products

The usage of ARtoMED Products in Medicine, Education and Dentistry opens up a world of new opportunities for Surgery, Education, Telemedicine and Work with Patients. ARtoMED products allow to visualize damaged organs in holoimages for better understanding and create a common space for you in the same operating room or training class with those who are thousand kilometers away

Simulation AR class
AR Surgery Training
AR Surgery
AR Patient Consultation
Remote Patients Consultation
Remote Surgery Consultation

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